Saturday, June 6, 2009

A Month of Meals

Ok, I am finally getting around to putting up our monthly menu. I've thought about it for a while now but, well, I was just lazy. So now I will put it up as I finish it (usually the end of the month before - a few days late this time around).

Why a monthly menu? Stephen loves looking at the menu and knowing what's coming. I like not having to plan meals on the fly! It works well for us.

You will notice that we are very boring people as far as meals go. I may try to throw something new in every once in a while (for my benefit mostly), but I stick to the menu as much as possible.

Unless the Pioneer Woman posts something yummy. Or any of the new blogs I discovered this weekend. Then the menu might change.

If you ever want a recipe, just let me know! Or if you want to send me one, I would like that too!

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